Service dogs in Pennsylvania must be allowed in areas open to the public, even if there is a policy that prohibits entry to normal dogs. The following information is requested to verify you are able to afford and support a service dog prior to being accepting into the program.Three templates for service dog letters from healthcare professionals, covering the types of letters service dog users may legally need. How to fill out the PTSD Service Dog Program Prescription Letter? If you need more information or need help, please contact Disability Rights Pennsylvania (DRP) at 800-692-7443 (voice) or 877-375-7139 (TDD). The work or tasks a service animal performs must be directly related to their owner's disability. Need to obtain an ESA letter in Pennsylvania? Read on to learn all about the ESA laws, protections, and required processes that apply in your state. Pennsylvania state law and federal laws protect your right to have service dogs in public places and housing. ESA laws are more complicated.