Helps train and place service and therapy dogs for San Diego residents. To qualify for an emotional support animal in California, you need an ESA letter from a California-licensed mental health professional.The only dogs allowed under the Rehab Act are dogs that mitigate their handlers' disability and perform tasks for those disabilities. Org or 619-299-7012 ext. 2631. The organization offers funding to veterans who have been diagnosed with PTSD or other disabilities related to their service. 8. PDF versions of forms you may need are available below. The most important thing you need to know is that they are not pets. If you have an ESA, you will need to request a reasonable accommodation in order to keep the ESA with you. We also train and place service dogs for military veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These forms will ask about your dog's training, and they also function as an agreement.