This is a guide to the laws regarding the use and access rights of service animals in Washington State. A public facility is not allowed to ask for documentation or proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal.Service animals are: Dogs, Any breed and any size of dog, Trained to perform a task directly related to a person's disability. Describes dogs as pets, service animals, and emotional support animals and discusses what is known about the role of dogs in PTSD recovery. The first step to getting a psychiatric service dog is consulting with a mental health professional in the Washington area. To begin the process of getting your ESA letter, take our short 3-minute assessment. Get ESA approval in Washington State with an emotional support animal letter. Understand the legal requirements for your ESA. First Responders are eligible for PTSD workers' compensation benefits in Washington. Emotional support animals are not considered service animals, but they may travel as a pet under Alaska Airlines' pet travel policy.