On this page, find information and forms related to withholding taxes for employers. Georgia withholding tax is the amount held from an employee's wages.If you collected rents in Georgia, you have "Georgiasourced income". GA- Worthy of withholding rent? I rent a large double room in a boarding house. Withholding Rent – The landlord is obligated to keep the property in good repair. Even though your rental property in GA produced a loss, you still need to file a GA nonresident tax return. A natural person shall be subject to income tax at the rate of 5 percent instead of 20 percent on the income received from renting a residential space. This video is all about how to fill out the G-4 form (Georgia Tax Withholding) in 2021. It is designed to report and pay any taxes withheld from employees or others to the state on a quarterly basis.