Additionally, Owner may change the Rent and Fees on a month-to-month tenancy upon thirty (30) days written notice. Download a free equipment rental agreement template, and view sample lease and leasetoown agreements for construction equipment.By signing in or creating an account, some fields will auto-populate with your information. In this post, we'll tell you what a vendor contract form is, why you should use one, and break down the details of our very own free vendor agreement template. Lessee shall pay Lessor as rent for said Premises sixteen dollars and seventy one cents. The Agreement Utah form serves as a comprehensive residential rental contract between a tenant and an owner for properties located within the state of Utah. You can use the standard restrictions included in the template, write specific terms yourself, or allow the renter to use the equipment freely. How do I fill this out? What are my HCV tenant's responsibilities? Fill out the notice and serve it on your tenant.