Denti-Cal, CHDP, and Healthy Families. The SRFCP will continue to be a place that welcomes and cares for low-income, uninsured individuals in San Diego with unmet healthcare needs.As one of the top free clinics in Southern California, Family Health Centers of San Diego offers low-cost health services to the uninsured. Look into Aetna Vital Savings or New Dental Choice. The Medi‑Cal Dental Program provides free or low‑cost dental services to children and adults who receive Medi‑Cal, California's Medicaid program. Our San Diego dental plans are available for adult patients, pediatric patients, and individuals with a history of gum disease. San Diego, CA 92115. Tel: (619) 515-2442. Members can access dental services through MediCal Dental enrolled providers, who will advise members on the best course of treatment.