Sedation can last from about 2-6 hours depending on the strength of sedative you are given and how long your procedure takes. Travis Kendall makes all his patients feel at ease with Sedation Dentistry from invasive procedures to a simple tooth cleaning.As a rule of thumb, you should always wait two hours after surgery before eating to let the anesthesia wear off. What is oral sedation? As of 2009, you can allow a patient to opt out of filing their health insurance where the situation warrants. As of 2009, you can allow a patient to opt out of filing their health insurance where the situation warrants. IV Sedation Dentistry. Our office is outfitted with the latest technologies to make your visit as easy and painless as possible. Dentures. Oral sedation dentistry allows us to create a safe and comfortable dental experience for patients who avoid the dentist out of fear. The administration of local anesthesia, sedation and general anesthesia is an integral part of dental practice.