Chicago resume writing services providing cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, resume writing, interview preparation, and career coaching. Career Advancement offers a series of tools below to help you with these phases of the application process.Learn how to create effective resumes, CVs and cover letters with resources and tips form UIC Career Services. Look at the job description and use similar words or accomplishments in your resume. If you're looking for professional resumewriting services in Chicago, see our list below of services that cater to a variety of professions. Enter Cover Letter and Resume information. This information will be used when applying for jobs in the system. You must show how your skills and experiences meet the qualifications and requirements listed in the job requisition to be considered for the job. Our top-notch resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn services will make you stand out from the crowd, impress employers, and score those dream job offers. Order a complete package including a resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and a follow-up note with a discount and impress the hiring managers.