This guide describes how to apply for jobs using the Career Page web site. The process consists of the following steps:If you are a qualifying applicant, please attach your DD214 and any other relevant documentation to your application if you wish to claim veteran's preference. Before you begin typing your resume, you should gather important information relating to your education,. To create an applicant account, go to Career Pages website and click on the Sign In tab, and then Don't have an account? Learn how to prepare a dynamic resume and cover letter to set you on the right track to getting your dream job. If you do not have a resume and cover letter, use this form to apply for job opportunities at CAP-HC for which you're interested and qualified. Wondering if anyone can shed some insight into the hiring process for jobs with the state (DNR, DHS, etc.). I have so many questions about how long it takes. Learn how to write effective resumes and cover letters, view sample resumes and cover letters, and get tips for completing job applications.