This page also allows you to upload your resume (bottom right corner) so long as it is an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (DOCX) format. Learn how to write effective resumes and cover letters, view sample resumes and cover letters, and get tips for completing job applications.VMock, the free 24-hour resume review platform available to current students, can help you get your resume ready in just a few minutes. Use your cover letter to describe your qualifications as well as your interest in both the job and organization so the employer will want to interview you. Please fill out the application completely. How do I create an application template? Click on the link below to apply: Fill out the Application NOW using the Internet. Tip 1: Review the job's minimum qualifications and, if applicable, the preferred criteria, so that you can address them in your resume. All applications for employment are accepted only through our online system. Simply uploading a cover letter and resume is not sufficient.