If you are a new business and are applying for a Business, Professional and Occupational License for the first time, use this form to apply. Become a Member of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee.This form will look up your address, and send you to the membership form for your district. Fairfax Village in the City is a city-supported, volunteer-driven program developed to support Fairfax City residents aged 55 and older. Virginia rose to first place in Site Selection magazine's 2022 Business Climate Rankings, reported Virginia Business. Fairfax County, officially the County of Fairfax, is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Contact Us ; Headquarters. 8570 Executive Park Ave. The Commission for Women regularly meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in the City Manager's Suite Library, Room 316, at Fairfax City Hall. Inside Look® allows applicants to easily and securely access information to improve health awareness.