Print the business name, address, and owner information at the top of the form. 3. 1. Verify your business name has been registered with the Utah Department of Commerce.Print the business name, address, license number and owner information at the top of the form. 3. You will need forms for the various permits that are required. Keep in mind, filling out these worksheets and forms is NOT equivalent to applying for a permit. Information and instructions, including forms for Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. At the Business Licensing Division, we accept and process applications for business licenses from business owners. 1. Enter the CEO's printed name in the designated field. In addition to applying online you will need to fill out this Home Occupation form completely sign both pages and upload during online application. If you would like to request an exception to your application, please fill out our Exception to Admission Policy Form here.