For Cash Aid and CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamp) Benefits. Everyone who gets CalFresh benefits must register for work at application and every 12 months thereafter unless they are exempt.Minimum requirements to file a CalFresh application: 1. Applicant's full name and 2. You can get CalFresh and unemployment benefits at the same time, as long as the amount of money you get from unemployment isn't over the CalFresh income limits. Instructions: Complete this form when reporting all self-employment GROSS income received and expenses paid in a month. Use this application if you are applying for CalFresh benefits only. You can apply online at benefitscal. Org, complete your interview over the phone, and have your EBT card mailed to you. The CalFresh program, formerly known as Food Stamps and federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), can add to your food budget.