A job application is an important reflection of you. Every time you fill one out you are completing an up- to-date summary of you and your work experiences.Apply to jobs on campus or in the local community and find one that matches your interests and helps you meet your career goals. I am applying for: Job titleRequired. The Career Closet serves as a valuable resource designed to help Clark University students prepare for success in their professional endeavors. Mention where you found the job posting and express your interest in the role. Below are the steps to follow to complete the Clark College online job application. To ensure quickest processing of your resume or CV, please be sure to submit them to us in MS Word format, PDF, or as plain text files. We're always looking for ambitious and dedicated professionals to help build the world around us. If you thrive on high-performing teams, embrace new opportunities, and strive to deliver excellence, we want you on our team.