If you choose not to provide us with the personal data described in this notice, we may not be in a position to process your job application. 4-page application includes ample space to capture detailed employment history, skills, education and more.This application form allows data owners to exercise their rights under the Protection of Personal Data Law. This Data Protection Notice (Notice) sets out the basis upon which Toppan Next Pte. Ltd. In order to process your application, we must obtain your informed consent about the data that we may hold about you. Ensure your job application process complies with GDPR. When candidates fill out your job application forms, they provide you with their personal data. As used in this Notice, "personal data" has the same meaning as that defined in the PDPA. We generally collect personal data that (a) you knowingly and voluntarily provide in the course of or in connection with your job application with us. I am in the UK. I did the job application online, the company uses Lever.