Learn how to apply for food, medical, financial, and energy assistance programs and how to access our wide range of employment services for people of all ages. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAPET) offers employment and training assistance to those wanting to find a job.MRelief provides help signing up for Food Stamps including help ensuring individuals and families qualify. To find out if you may be eligible for SNAP Benefits, visit myBenefits.ny. Gov and click on Am I Eligible? The first step in applying for SNAP benefits is to begin an application. You may fill out a paper application, apply online through Virginia Common Help, or. Discover how to apply for Fairfax County Food Stamps and learn about eligibility requirements. Apply Online for a food services worker (Hourly) position - In the search box, type "Food Services Worker (Hourly)" to bring up our list of current vacancies. Sign up or login to MyChart to complete your application (Login, click Menu, then scroll down to Financial Assistance under Billing).