This is a typical example of an Employee Guarantor Form. 1. Fill in the applicant's name, position applied for, and department.If it is a guarantor letter for your employment and your employer requested you to provide a quarantor letter from your guarantors then here is an example. Complete Steps 3 through 4(b) on only one Form W-4. Withholding will be most accurate if you do this on the Form W-4 for the highest paying job. The process consists of the following steps: Create an Account. This reliable employee guarantor form template streamlines the hiring process, ensuring potential recruits have a backing guarantor to support them if needed. The Work Study program offers students the opportunity to work flexible hours on campus in jobs that accommodate their schedules. If you choose the option in Step 2(b) on Form W-4, complete this worksheet (which calculates the total extra tax for all jobs) on only ONE. This is why when people find out where I work and ask for referrals I always agree.