External applicants can search for jobs without registering. Please ensure all employment information on this application is true and accurate, and that no attempt has been made to conceal pertinent information.To apply for current job openings: You must first login to apply for a current job opening. Hassle-free upload of documents, directly through our online application. At 1 Hotel South Beach, you can enjoy a range of treatments, services, and classes at the Bamford Haybarn Wellness Spa to nurture mind, body, and spirit. Administrators must contact Miami-Dade Schools Police for any criminal conduct regardless of whether Schools Police Automated. Reporting (SPAR) is indicated. Below you will find our Employment Application. Carefully follow the below instructions prior to submitting your completed form. If you're interested in any of our positions, fill out the form below or download and fill out our Employment Application Form then mail, fax, or email.