Employer Information: - The employer must have a completed front and back yellow work permit form on file before a minor begins work. Michigan is reinstating the work search requirements where they make you prove you applied for a job once a week.Print each form and fill out each one. Bring all ten completed forms with you to your human resources orientation session on your first day of work. Browse Michigan employment Application Forms forms and choose the one that suits you best. Adjust, complete, and send your templates with other collaborators. Provides jobseekers the support, training and services they need to get back to work, find new employment, obtain needed credentials, and more! You must register for work. As part of this step you will complete a job seeker profile and upload a resume on Pure Michigan Talent Connect. Form WC-100 First Report of Injury (FROI): As soon as you have been notified of a work-related injury, please fill out this form and submit it to EMPLOYERS.