This page also allows you to upload your resume (bottom right corner) so long as it is an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (DOCX) format. Tip 1: Review the job's minimum qualifications and, if applicable, the preferred criteria, so that you can address them in your resume.Learn how to write effective resumes and cover letters, view sample resumes and cover letters, and get tips for completing job applications. Your resume should be created with the mindset, "Attract the attention you're looking for. " Read that again. Slowly. Applying for a Federal job may seem daunting at first, but we hope this guide has presented you with the knowledge and ability to obtain the vacancy you seek. A resume is a brief, informative document summarizing your abilities, education, and experience. Explore resume examples for inspiration and create your own. Paste the information into the resume builder. • Adapt your template resume in USA Jobs to include keywords and achievements that match each job announcement.