A guarantor is a person or a company who will co-sign on your lease in case you do not qualify to rent an apartment in New York on your own. Guarantor should have basically all the same stuff that is requested of you.Your guarantor will fill out an application and provide similar documents to a landlord as you, including photo ID and recent bank statements. A guarantor must fill out an application, provide income documentation, have their credit pulled, and sign your lease. This is a typical example of an Employee Guarantor Form. Guarantors must provide 2 most recent Federal Tax Returns. 8. This reliable employee guarantor form template streamlines the hiring process, ensuring potential recruits have a backing guarantor to support them if needed. A guarantor's form should include a space to fill in the home address, work address, phone number, and email address. To fill out this guarantor form, ensure you have all necessary information on hand. Get inspired and try out new things.