If you don't complete the form you will contribute to an under reporting of your ethnicity etc. Click on the Typewriter icon from the Home ribbon, then click on the Format ribbon.It sounds like the term "orange" here may derive from common alert colors Yellow, typically for warnings, and Red, typically for errors or urgent action. In this article, we discuss the steps when filling out an application form, explain how to answer openended questions, and highlight postapplication tips. What should you do if you don't have a mailing address, phone number, or email when filling out an application form? I'm filling out a job application and it says I need to answer every question carefully and completely. This guide describes how to apply for jobs using the Career Page web site. The process consists of the following steps: This form is for periodic government reporting only and will be kept in a Confidential File separate from the Employment. Application. These are required fields. b.