This form allows the employee to verify that the employer is withholding the correct tax rates for the correct municipalities. Purpose. Complete Form REV-419 so that your employer can withhold the correct Pennsylvania personal income tax from your pay.Complete Form REV-419 so that your employer can withhold the correct Pennsylvania personal income tax from your pay. Pennsylvania employees generally do not have to fill out a state tax withholding form (the equivalent of a state W4). Employer Instructions: You must keep a copy of this form on file for each employee who claims exemption from withholding of Pennsylvania. StateSpecific Forms: Pennsylvania requires the Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate (Form PAW4) for state tax purposes. Your employee should complete Pennsylvania Form REV419, Employee Non Withholding Application. These reciprocal states, you must withhold. Next, learn about applying for and filing state withholding taxes (e.g. If you have an employee who lives in PA but works in another state, you are not responsible for completing the Residency Certification Form.