Use the Texas Child Care Solutions Contact Form for questions about child care services and scholarships in your area. Form MUST be completely filled out, or it will delay the eligibility process.Parent or Guardian Information. 1. Employment Verification Form - This form is required when parents have a new job or are new to the CCS program and do not have check stubs to verify employment. The following forms will be used to submit information to Workforce Solution's Alamo Child Care Services (CCS) Program. Form 2985, Affidavit for Applicants for Employment with a Licensed Operation or Registered Child-Care Home. Instructions for Opening a Form. In order to establish eligibility for child care assistance with Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas, verification of employment hours and income is required. Fill out the Google Form to inform the Business Service Representatives of your interest in posting a job order in WorkInTexas. â–¡ Child Care Services Employment Verification Form (New employment only).