Call us at 855-829-9855 (855-TAX-WAGE), option 2. Complete Form W-4 so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay.Give Form W-4 to your employer. Employers must report new hires within 20 days of their hire date or the first working day after that. Employees working and residing in Washington have no state income tax liability. Form 8453-EMP - E-file Declaration for Employment Tax Returns. Be sure to have your Employment Security (ES) reference number, Federal Identification number (FEIN) and Unified Business Identifier number (UBI) ready. Washington State mandates employers to provide specific employee data. Use this article as a guide for additional tax requirements when setting up Payroll. The IRS Form W2 Wage and Tax Statement (PDF) reports all taxable wages paid to and taxes withheld from an employee during the calendar year.