Our Tenant Screening Service gives Landlords a comprehensive Tenant background check, including a financial, criminal, and rental history check. In Texas, landlords must obtain written consent from tenants before conducting background and credit checks.What Information is Needed for a Credit Check? • Review the eligibility requirements that landlords are required to provide. This file includes a comprehensive lease application form, credit authorization, and background check requirements for adult applicants. Who should pay the fee? Our screening process includes thorough background and credit checks on each potential tenant to assess the likelihood the tenant will fulfill the lease terms. To run a credit check, you'll need a prospective tenant's name, address, and Social Security number or ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). A Housing Provider can ask for a full application if they want to, with full credit check, background, etc. Often people think they need to do a quick credit check and verify employment, but there's more to it than that.