Learn how to fill out a rental application, what information is required, and what you will need to provide to secure your next place. Rental applications are free for landlords with Zillow Rental Manager, so you can easily verify tenants and fill your vacant rentals online.A rental application is a form that provides the information necessary for a landlord or property owner to determine a tenant's creditworthiness. The Rental Application allows the applicant to list all of the proposed occupants as well as any pets that are presumed to live on the premises. Access easy-to-use forms to streamline your tenant screening process. The first step is to complete a rental application and provide us with proof of income. This is how you can apply. A California rental application enables landlords to collect information on tenants before entering into a rental agreement. You can download our free rental application form to have prospective renters fill out in person or online. How To Apply For Our Rentals?