By writing to your anticipated tenant relative who may be moving in. Tell him you have given your attorney a heads-up and a few details.If you agree to guarantee the lease, you not only assume responsibility for your child but for all the other renters in the unit as well. You must fill out the "Overnight Guest Request Form" that is located on the Student Housing website under "Useful Links". It's okay to list your parents' address as the current living place or even have them act as guarantors if needed. Resident Portal gives you 24-hour access to pay rent, submit a work order or just find out what is happening in and around the community. Residents of the houses are expected to perform work (about 5 hours a week) as part of their rental agreement, helping to keep rent lower. Make a formal rent agreement, where your parents are to be designated as landlords and you as the tenant. Take the assistance of a lawyer. Explore current and historic federal campaign finance data on the new