You don't need to send a credit report prior to looking at a place you aren't even sure you want to live at. Only income certified applicants that filled out a credit application, paid the credit check fee and have passed the credit check will be included in the.Applicants with a FICO credit score less than 550 WILL NOT be considered for any rental property. I suspect the pdf granted the landlord permission to check your credit report; this is common - as you know. Is there anything else I can clear up for you? Under federal law, a landlord who denies your tenant application because of information in a tenant screening report is required to inform you of that fact. As a landlord, you'll be running a rental credit check on tenants during the screening process. Applicants must have a credit history that demonstrates a reasonable ability to meet financial obligations. You must fill out and submit this form with each new action. Yes, they are within their legal bounds to run credit checks and background checks on applicants.