Unlock the secrets to a seamless Illinois rental application process with our expert guide for landlords and property managers. Learn how to fill out a rental application, what information is required, and what you will need to provide to secure your next place.This rental application form includes sections for personal information, rental and employment history, income verification and reference. Illinois has leasing agent licenses, broker licenses, and managing broker licenses. In addition, CAM licenses are required for community association managers. This rental application requests all the normal rental application information i.e. The first step in the rental application process is submitting the application form. Ensure effective and efficient program administration and long-term compliance for the largest portfolio of affordable multifamily rental housing in Illinois. Brush up on their rental résumé and you'll find out if they're the respectful, rulefollowing kind of tenant you want in your property. Chicago, Illinois 60602. 312-603-1100.