Download a customizable rental application rejection letter template for landlords or property managers to professionally notify applicants. 1. The name, address, and telephone number of the credit reporting agency that supplied the credit report.First, clearly state the reason for the appeal of the property's decision and restate their reason for denying your rental application. In order to turn that rejection around, it's important to get your hands on your free tenant screening report. Inform your applicants of your decision with this straightforward, federallycompliant application denial form. First, clearly state the reason for the appeal of the property's decision and restate their reason for denying your rental application. Download our free rental application denial letter for your rental business. They will at least let us know if we don't get approved right? Is this a long time for an application to be processed? For example, you can explain that you lost your job and could not pay the rent, but that you have been working since then.