You will either need to clean up your credit, post an additional security deposit or obtain a co-signer. Discover how to craft a fair rental application denial letter, ensuring legal compliance and protecting your property.We are required to send written notice, via USPS, with the reason for their denial of tenancy. I thank you for taking the time to work with me, but I've decided to decline your offer. " Short, simple and direct. We can provide you with samples of court forms that are available. We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms. What often happens is an applicant may have been in a property for a long time as a good tenant but the rent was under market rate. Methods for Accepting Applications: When PHAs accept in-person applications; the applicant or the interviewer may fill out the application. I looked at "18 reasons to reject a tenant application" and didn't see that as one of the options.