The good news is that you do not need an SSN on an apartment rental application to screen a prospective tenant. Rental agents need to know that you have a steady job so you can pay your rent, which you can't have without a Social Security number.Doing a background check without a Social Security number from a rental can often be done. I was told I needed to fill out a rental application (where ssn is required) before viewing it because he gets several requests a day. Although not all landlords will need you to have a Social Security number, pretty much all of them will require some sort of legal documentation. You should be able to rent an apartment without a Social Security number provided you have a student visa or Permanent Resident Card (a.k.a. If the applicant does not have a social security number, you generally can't run a credit report or nationwide criminal check. Before you sign a lease for an apartment, you'll need to bring along a document verifying your identity. This must be paid at the time of application completion.