O A housing provider cannot charge you a credit or background check fee if you provide one to them that was run within the last 30 days. Who should pay the fee?If your home is on the Unsecured Assessment Roll the appeal must be filed with the County Assessor within 30 days of the mailing of the Notices of Value. The Arizona Rental Assistance Program has ended and applications are no longer being accepted. A landlord credit check helps determine if you're likely to pay rent. Dollar icon. Payments. The tenant screening or credit reporting company generally has 30 days to investigate your dispute, though in some cases they have 45 days. Short-term residential rentals are lodging rental stays for less than 30 days. A security deposit is a sum of money that a landlord is permitted to charge a tenant at the beginning of a lease or rental agreement. This requires tenants to move out within 5 days.