In California, you have the right to cancel the lease if you have not yet taken possession. A: You may very well be able to.The general rule is that an offer may be withdrawn before it is accepted. A collection of all the forms and and documents that are posted on the San Diego Housing Commission's (SDHC) website, listed in one location. If you have not signed a lease or moved in, you can still walk away from the deal. If possible, bring your original documents. The STRO Ordinance requires a license for all STROs of a dwelling unit, or part thereof, for less than one month within the City of San Diego. A Landlord seeking to evict Tenants to demolish or substantially remodel must complete ALL of the following: a. I am planning to fill out a rental application at a coop. If your tenant moves out before you've gone to trial, you have to cancel or close (dismiss) your eviction court case.