A credit check gives you a snapshot of an applicant's financial behavior, such as payment history, debt, and creditworthiness. As part of how to fill out an apartment application, landlords need to run a background check and credit check on prospective tenants.Market rate rentals are available in a variety of forms---garden apartments, luxury apartment complexes, two family homes and accessory apartments. See all 151 low-income housing apartments currently available for rent. Check if the income asked for on the application is monthly or annual. Reiterate what you might have mentioned as you filled out your rental application with a formal write-up. It weeds out a lot of people. If the tenant can't afford a credit check, can they afford rent? 1. Complete application if you have not already done so. 2. ☐Yes. ☐No. 10) Did the housing provider tell you that a credit check was part of the application.