The City has significant infrastructure needs and is considering a bond measure. Every bidder must fill out and submit a signed SLEB Partnering Information Sheet, (found on page 19 of RFPQ indicating their SLEB certification status.Every bidder must fill out and submit a signed SLEB Partnering Information Sheet, (found on page 20 of RFPQ indicating their SLEB certification status. Completely fill in the oval to the right of your Candidate choice. Summary of California bond claim and notice laws and requirements for private California projects including free forms, FAQs, resources and more. Respects, SFPUC's green bond, issued to finance eligible projects included in the Water System. Alameda Health System. 3. Shifting supply and demand curves around can be fun, but figuring out why the curves shift is the interesting part. Alameda is a city in Alameda County, California, United States, located in the East Bay region of the Bay Area. The demand curve for bonds, as for most goods, slopes downward; the supply curve slopes upward in the usual fashion.