Market timing and interest rate sensitivity are not critical to the pricing. •. With respect to called bonds and Alameda CTC may designate in a Request of Alameda CTC delivered to the Trustee.Alameda County, CA has a financial profile in sharp contrast to its ESG risks. We break it down via MuniCREDIT Online and MuniESG scoring. We believe that the Federal Reserve should establish a program to provide muchneeded liquidity to the shorttenn municipal bond market. The City of Alameda is creating an Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) that will guide the City's efforts to support Alameda's economic prosperity. ‒ Administrative expenses may be paid before or after debt service. ▫ Bond market conditions. In return, the issuer agrees to pay you a fixed rate of interest and return your principal in a set amount of time. The Rating Outlook on all bonds is Stable.