To request the refund be assigned to someone else, complete the "Assignment of Cash Bond" form and submit it with your cash bond refund request. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING YOUR BAIL BOND COMPANY, PLEASE CALL SHANETTE AT (210) 354-2245 OR CALL THE BAIL BOND BOARD AT 210-335-3933.This packet from the Austin Tenants Council will help you demand repairs from your landlord. Appearance Bail Bond (may only be used if Defendant failed to appear based on appearance personal bond AND can afford the bail bond) - Updated April 2021. The Forms Directory is for professional use ONLY. Attempting to use a form without legal instruction can have severe and long-lasting negative consequences. We make it easy to get a contract performance bond. Just click here to get our Texas Performance Application. You may be less pleased to know that Texas's lien laws are some of the most complicated and confusing in the country, though. From the Net Revenues of the Systems pledged to the payment and security of the Parity.