On-demand performance bonds and letters of credit are used to provide a financial guarantee that a contractor will live up to the terms of the contract. These documents are available for pick-up at 500 South Grand Central Parkway 1st Floor at the Public Works Development Review counter.On demand bonds, in particular, can be powerful levers in the administration of a project. Do Insurance Agents Need to Fill Out the Bond Form? No, as the surety company will usually provide your customers with a completed bond form. Ondemand instruments often provide that they are payable upon presentation of a written demand and certain documents in a specified form. In this Surety Today Blog post, we will take a look at some of those terrible, bad, no good bond forms that are out there in the surety world. A performance bond is a financial guarantee to one party in a contract against the failure of the other party to meet its obligations. A guide to bond claims in construction. Everything you need to know about bond claims, and how they can help you get paid on a public works project.