5 general election, Fairfax County voters will be asked to vote YES or. How to fill out the Fairfax County Bond and Agreement Submission Guide?1. Gather necessary information related to your project. 2. Stay ahead of the curve with the latest business news from Fairfax NOVA. The City of Fairfax, Virginia, has recently embarked on a comprehensive approach to adding housing and addressing the varied housing needs of its residents. An enrolling parent may request a student transfer for their child in grades kindergarten through 12 to attend a non-base school. This Official Statement provides information with respect to the 2024 Bonds. Parents must have a SIS ParentVUE Account to complete the Online Registration process (Instructions provided later in the process below). Fairfax Water is Virginia's largest water utility and one of the 25 largest water utilities in the country, serving one out of every four Virginians. The bonds are expected to sell via competitive sale on or about July 13.