State has burden to disprove defense. When stating that your actions fall under the stand your ground law, you must be justified in the actions that you took.A member is permitted to use force that is reasonable in light of the totality of the circumstances. Read Section 16-3-21 - Use of force in defense of self or others; evidence of belief that force was necessary in murder or manslaughter prosecution, Ga. Selfdefense (legally known as justification) is one of the most effective legal defenses a person can raise in a criminal case in Georgia. Georgia legislation defines self-defense as using necessary force to shield oneself or others from an impending threat of unlawful force. Any other provision notwithstanding, members may use any weapon (or use any weapon in any manner) if emergency circumstances make it immediately. It is the purview of the District Attorney to determine if the use of deadly force was legally justified and whether or not to pursue criminal charges.