Summary of Illinois bond claim and notice laws and requirements for private Illinois projects including free forms, FAQs, resources and more. As of September 18, 2023, Illinois has completely eliminated the cash bond payment system under the SAFET Act.All forms below with a "fillable icon" are documents that you can open "on-line", fill in the appropriate fields and then print on your printer. Fill-in Form: The fill-in form may be completed on screen, printed off and mailed. Under a landmark court ruling issued this week, Illinois will become the first state in the nation to abolish cash bail. If you fill out a form on a webpage, you will lose your progress. Now, you do not have to pay any money for pretrial release under Illinois law. (Source: R.S. 1874, p. For State Standardized Forms, click HERE. You will be taken to the Illinois Courts website where the most up to date State forms are located.