Forfeiture. Forfeiture is when the defendant misses a court date or violates a court order and the court orders that the bail bond must be paid. Indemnitor. To secure a bail bond to facilitate a settlement, compromise, remission or reduction of the amount of any bail bond or the forfeiture thereof. Upon.Bail forfeiture means that money that was paid for a person's release from jail pending trial is relinquished to the court. A bail bond is forfeited when the surety bond, aka the promise made between the bail bond company and the court, is declared void. When a person pays a cash bond for their bail, that money is the collateral that guarantees the person will show up for court. 4) the applicant has failed to appear in their own court case(s) that resulted in a bond forfeiture two or more times. c. Jillian King, volunteer with Moms Demand Action in support of this Bill. One such scam involves fake property liens. It threatens taxpayers with a tax bill from a fictional government agency.