The stop work notice puts the bonding and government agents on notice of the debt to the claimant, and liens the project's funds for the amount of the claim. Enter your bond details to: View your bond; Amend bond details; Arrange a bond refund; Transfer a bond.To ensure that your submission will be properly credited, clearly show: a) number assigned to a contract, lease, permit, etc. Bond money is returned to renters when they move out at the end of the agreement, unless there is a reason for the rental provider (landlord) to make a claim. If you want to rent privately, most residential rental providers will ask you to pay a bond before you move in. When a translation is complete, you assume the risk of any inaccuracies, errors or other problems encountered. Flick is not bitter. Payments: Checks should be made payable to Julien's Auctions, 3327 La Cienega Place, Los Angeles, CA 90016.