All surety forms have been updated. Please ensure that you use the new forms from the links below when submitting new bonds and letters of credit.Mecklenburg County Land Development's online plan review system is now Accela. A tutorial for completing the Bond - Corporate Surety form from the Estates Division of the Mecklenburg County Clerk of Superior Court. A defendant is a person or organization against whom a court case is filed. City of Charlotte, Land Development. This guide provides information for insurance agents to help contractors on Mecklenburg County (NC) Land Use Construction Contractor bonds. Prior to requesting plat approval for land improvements, developers must submit a Subdivision Bond to the County of Mecklenburg. In conjunction with this new bail policy, Mecklenburg County criminal justice stakeholders anticipate developing a systematic bond review process for cases in. Jet is taking on the surety bond application process, streamlining it and removing the red tape.