Question 2: Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium (20 points)Consider the market for MacBook in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Association officials noted that contractors continue to hire amid some softening in demand, a sign they expect demand to rebound again in the near future.Since the last revaluation in 2019, commercial property values have grown at a slower rate than residential land. Properties with delinquent real estate taxes are subject to tax foreclosure. You should fill in the maximum fee you are willing to pay the owning library. This part of the booklet explains where to sue, which complaint form to use, how to fill in the proper legal forms, how to file the claim, and how to get the. An eviction notice allows the tenant to choose to voluntarily move out to avoid the court process. 3.2 Vendor must complete the cost proposal attachment. Items are checked out for three weeks with one possible renewal for a total of six weeks. Criminal Justice – All residents in Mecklenburg County live in a more just and equitable community.