Contractors, suppliers, and others that work in the construction industry use this form to file a claim against the bond on a public project. Summary of New York bond claim and notice laws and requirements for private New York projects including free forms, FAQs, resources and more.A notice of claim must be filed in writing. Use this form to get a bond refunded. ' All sections of this form must be completed to enable smooth processing of information. In the event of the insolvency or bankruptcy of the licensee, the proceeds of this bond shall be paid to the Superintendent of Financial. To file a claim electronically, select, download, and save the appropriate claim form from the eClaim Claim Forms list below. When filling out the bond refund form, tenants can nominate any New Zealand bank account for the bond to be paid to, including their new landlord. Use our library of forms to quickly fill and sign your Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment New Zealand forms online. If you don't have enough money to pay bond to your landlord, you may be able to get a Bond Grant.