This notice is not a required filing. However, any party on a public project can deliver to the public body a Demand for Notice of Completion.Summary of New York bond claim and notice laws and requirements for private New York projects including free forms, FAQs, resources and more. Capital appreciation: Bond prices can rise for several reasons, including a drop in interest rates and an improvement in the credit standing of the issuer. This report details Comptroller Stringer's plan to boost these critical infrastructure efforts through the use of innovative "Green Bonds," Bond prices fluctuate based on interest rates, credit quality and market demand. Rising interest rates affect bond prices because they often raise yields. Above all, keep an eye on broader trends, such as moderating economic growth, high starting yields, pentup demand and declining interest rates. Higher volatility reflects demand for upside rate protection. So, in the time-honored tradition of supply and demand, its price will go up.