Industrial Development Bonds are tax-exempt private activity bonds, interest rates are substantially lower than commercial financing rates. The Bond Program uses this taxexempt status to offer belowmarket financing to developers of affordable multifamily rental housing. The.Attractive allin yields, favorable flows, and stable fundamentals drive a modest overweight to the IG corporate bond sector, in our view. The California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) provides information, education, and technical assistance on debt issuance and public. The Bond Program uses this taxexempt status to offer belowmarket financing to developers of affordable multifamily rental housing. â–« Longterm bond with rate that resets periodically (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) â–« Investor can "put" bonds on short notice (allows bond to. Stable credit, Supportive technicals, low ratios and spreads shape municipal market entering 2024, but risks should not be overlooked. Investors suddenly awoke to a wicked brew of stubborn inflation, tight labor markets, monetary tightening and seemingly endless federal borrowing.